Using the Projector in Matchbox 4

Using the Projector in Matchbox 4


To turn on the projector, use the Barco Communicator app located on the desktop of the iMac.  Launch the program.


Login to the program as Service Technician by clicking the button at the bottom left of the screen.  The password is “default”.  Press the connect button


Once connected to the projector, the power mode screen will come up.  Click the power on button to start the power up sequence on the projector.



Once the projector has powered up, the presets screen will come up.  This is where you lamp on the projector, and then can also change the preset to either focus on the screen or cyc, and also use the different color profiles. Be sure to select the switcher presets unless using a DCP file on the Barco.  Then you use the media block presets. 


When done with the projector, you turn the lamp off from the presets page, and then go to the sleep page to put the projector back to sleep.


If you need to adjust the focus of the projector for any reason, you will need to login as the Service Technician on Communicator.  Click the user button at the bottom left to allow you to change users.  Select Service Technician from the menu on the left. The password is default. 

Once you've logged in as service tech, you can adjust the lens settings in the configuration tab on the left.  Select the lens icon to open the lens settings to adjust lens shift, zoom and focus.