Projection Screen Assembly Instructions

The MATCH portable projection screen is stored in two fiber cases that are in the hallway between Matchbox 2 and 3. The top two cases contain the frame and screen itself.  The bottom case contains the side frames that we do not use, and the rear projection screen, so you only need to pull the top two cases.


There should be a canvas “skin” folded and stored on top of the cases.  This skin is used to protect the screen from the floor while building it. Be sure to lay out the skin fully before starting to assemble the screen.


In on of the fiber cases, you will find the front projection screen.  You will also find two small bags which contain the various bolts used to assemble the screen.  In the other, you’ll find the frame and legs.


This project will take two people to flip the screen over and stand it up.

You’ll be using 3 different sets of bolts to build the screen. 

Frame Bolts

Short Bolts

Long Bolts

Start by taking out the 4 frame pieces and laying them out on the canvas skin.  They are labeled stage left, stage right, top and bottom.  The corners are also color coded. 

Lay the frame pieces so that the snaps are facing up. This way you don’t have to flip the frame twice while assembling.

They are labeled stage left, stage right, top and bottom.  The corners are also color coded. 

Next, take the frame bolt and screw it into the back of the frame.  This step can also be done with the frame flipped so that you screw into the top, but you’ll need to flip the frame back over so that you can attach the screen once you do. There should be one frame bolt on each corner of the frame.

Next, lay out the screen on the frame.  Make sure to line it up so that the bottom of the screen lines up with the bottom of the frame.  There is a canvas skin that will be attached to the screen to protect it.  Detatch the skin and attach the screen to the frame.

The Fast-Fold logo is the bottom, stage left corner of the screen.

Once you have attached the screen to the frame, you’ll need to flip the frame over so that you can attach the legs. You’ll want to leave enough working space on the bottom side of the screen so that you can attach the legs and easily walk the frame up.

Take the legs out of the case and unfold them to create a triangle shape.  You’ll need to leave the front support of the leg folded up so that you can lay it on the floor.

Line up the legs on the appropriate side (SL or SR) side of the frame and then match up the color spikes to align the legs properly.

Once aligned, you’ll use 4 long bolts and 1 short bolt to attach the leg to the frame.  The leg is labeled to indicate where the long and short bolts go. The brace that attaches itself to the leg frame will need to be left a little loose so that you can adjust it once you stand the whole thing up.

Walk the frame up, with one person on each side of the screen.  Once upright, flip down the front support on the leg.  Secure the brace to the leg with the short bolt once the frame is stable and perpindiclar.  Move the screen to the desired location and then set a sandbag on the back support of the leg.

Attach the black fabric skirt along the front of the bottom of the screen.