Element / Ion Lighting Console Info

Element / Ion Lighting Console

Set up

Preset panels (Matchbox 2 and 4 only) - Matchbox 2 and 4 have Paradigm preset systems that have several presets saved including house lights, work lights and rehearsal looks.  When you want to use the lighting console, you must be in "console control" which has a green indicator light on the top button in the booth.  Be sure you press the bottom "off" button to clear the presets before you try and program your show.  If you don't you may not properly capture channels in your cues that may be captured by the system.

You can lock out the backstage and FOH touch panels by pressing and holding the bottom button in the booth for 5 seconds.  That will turn the backstage and FOH panels blue which means they're locked out.  Please be sure to unlock the preset panel before you leave for the night. 

Show File - Each theater has a base rep show file.  Please do not save over the show file!

There is a USB drive on a key lanyard attached to the desk in each booth with the rep file. If for some reason the rep file has been altered, please re-load from the USB drive.  You may have to restore the parked channels manually. You can do this by running Macro 1 while in the Park menu.


Parked Channels -  The park has a number of addresses that have been put there as part of the rep set up.  These addresses control the relays throughout the theater.  Some as part of the permanent infrastructure and some thru the portable dimmers (Matchbox 1, 2 and 3).  Some of these relays control the LED fixtures.  Please be sure not to unpatch addresses unless you’re certain that they are not part of the LED fixture system.  If the park has been cleared, run Macro 1 while in the park and all of the appropriate parked channels will be restored.


Subs - The submasters in each theater have been programmed with the lighting systems for that theater.  The labels are on magnetic printouts in MB 1 and on the submasters themselves in the other theaters..  If you do not use the rep configuration, please do not dispose of the rep labels in MB 1. 


LED Pars and Cyc Wash – The LED fixtures are all set up to run on the submasters which means that they all home at zero rather than at full.  When bringing up an LED fixture (par or cyc wash), when you give it an intensity value, it will not come on until it has been given a color.  If you would prefer that they function as a standard LED fixture, you will need to reassign the fixture type to the standard rather than the copy in the patch.  They will no longer function properly on the submasters in that mode however.

**See Parked Channels about power control for LED fixtures.


Magic Sheet – There is a rep magic sheet for each theater in the rep show file.  When using the rep show file channels, the magic sheet will function properly and should default to the touch screen which is the 16x9 monitor in the booth unless someone has rearranged the monitors.


Monitors – If the console is moved, please be sure to take care to set the monitors back up the same as they are when you arrive so that the touch screen works correctly.  If you notice that the touch screen is not working correctly, and are familiar with how to access the set up menu for the console, feel free to correct it, otherwise, notify the Production Manager. 


iPad Remote - An iPad may be checked out from the MATCH Director of Production to use as a remote for the lighting console.  Connect the WiFi to the appropriate theater to connect the remote.  The WiFi settings should already be saved in the iPad.  The consoles should come online, though do sometimes take some time before they do come online. If the console does not connect, the router may not be connected properly to the console.  The password for the wifi is also the console name in each room. 

Theatre A - Matchbox 1

Theatre B - Matchbox 3

Theatre C- Matchbox 2

Theatre D- Matchbox 4