Rigging in the theaters

Rigging for aerial work is possible in Matchbox 1, 2 and 3 by tying in to the beams above the pipe grid. 

The structural beams mirror the pipe grid, spaced at 5' apart and are around 27' off the deck (the ceiling structure is not level and has a slight grade)

The structural beams are 5" wide and have a 1/2" thickness to them. 

Rigging for aerial work in Matchbox 4 is possible by rigging directly to the catwalk system, or by rigging to the structural beams at the ceiling.

Structural beams are 32'-9" off the deck.  The bottom of the catwalks are 18' off the deck. 

For beam locations, see drawings attached.  Beams are standard I beams.

Drawings attached are as built drawings.  When printed at 100%, they should be 1/4" = 1' scale.