Rep Plot Lighting Basics

Rep Plot Lighting Basics

Parked Channels, relay circuits and LED fixtures


The relay circuits


 In Matchbox 1, 2 and 3 all of the dimming is done with  portable dimmer bars.  In some of these dimmer bars, there are relay circuits.  By default, they are all parked on.  They can be used as necessary for other purposes, but if the get unparked, please restore them upon load out.


In each of the 4 theaters, there are also fixed relay circuits.  They are distributed throughout the theater and will be identified by a label saying Relay and then the number of the relay.  They are all parked on as a default.  The address information is in the lighting binder in the booth.

The permanent relay circuits in Matchbox 1 & 3 are addresses 481 - 504, Matchbox 2 is 13 - 36 and Matchbox 4 is 193 - 216.


The LED fixtures

All of the LED fixtures are all powered by relay circuits in the theaters.  These addresses have all been parked in the console.  If the LED fixture is not working, check that the park has not been cleared.  If it’s cleared, run Macro 1 while in the park, and all of the relay addresses will be restored. 

The LED fixtures are all set so that the intensity and color encoders are all independently controlled so that they are controllable on the submasters.  In order to restore them to a standard setting, you have to change the instrument type in the patch itself back to the original fixture, not the copy.


Spares and Orchestra Spares


Spares – Each theater has units that are identified as “Spares”.  These units do not have a rep focus and can be used for whatever purpose.  They should always be restored to their rep position if moved, and have any color, gobos or extreme shutter cuts removed.


Orchestra Spares – These are spares (see above)  units in Matchbox 4 that are prohibited from use by Main Street for their performances. 

Matchbox 2 Focus Charts

Focus charts for refocusing the sidelights in Matchbox 2 are available on the MATCH website at