Showing DCP movie files on the MB 4 projector

When using the Barco projector in Matchbox 4, you can play high quality DCP video files.  These are video files are generally large files that have been provided by a film distributor or other production company.  See Using the Surround Sound Processor in MB 4 for information on setting up the audio to play thru the Dolby processor. 

DCP USB Drives should be formatted NTFS or exFAT.

In order to play these files, they must first be loaded on to the servers built in to the Barco projector. You will need to use the Commander program to do so.  You can access the Commander thru a web portal that has a link on the desktop of the iMac in the booth of Matchbox 4. 

When you open that window, it will lead you to a login page.  You may see a window that says it's not trusted, but go ahead and click advanced to go to the URL. The login page will look like this.

The login is show and the password is Match3400

When you start up the projector using the Communicator software, you will need to make sure to select the mediablock screen preset.  If that preset is not selected, the server inside the projector will not be active.''

Audio for the projector runs thru the Dolby Cinema Processor that's in the sound rack to the right of the Yamaha.  Because the theater does not have built in 5.1 surround sound speakers, we have to dumb down DCP 5.1 files so that the audio comes thru our stereo speaker system.  You will need to load the Yamaha 5.1 file from the USB attached to the sound rack and then connect the Center, Sub, Left, Right, Left Surr and Right Surr. XLR cables from the back of the Dolby processor to inputs 1 - 6 on the back of the Yamaha.  Those should all be set up on the Yamaha 5.1 file and labeled accordingly.  Be sure to restore the Yamaha connections at the end of the night. 

Once you've got the projector up and running, the audio connected properly and the Commander program running, you're ready to load and play DCP files. 

To ingest files in to the server, you will need to connect the drive to one of the USB ports on the side of the projector.  Once connected, you will use the Ingest feature on the Commander software to select the USB and then select the files you want to ingest.  Most DCP files will also include and encryption key that will be required for playback. These are often on the same drive as the file, but may also be on a separate USB.

Once the file has been ingested (it will take a while for large files), you are ready to test the film for playback.  To send the file to the player, from the content manager, you click the triangle button to the right of the file you want to load, and then select "open in player".  This will send the file to the player and it will be ready to play.

With the file ready in the player window, you click the play button when ready.