Using the Surround Sound Processor in MB 4

There is a Dolby Digital Cinema Audio Processor in Matchbox 4 in the audio rack next to the sound console.  This processor allow for 5.1 audio that comes from DCP files on the projector to be played as standard stereo audio.  

To use the audio processor, you must be using a DCP file that is stored on the Barco projector.  This audio signal comes thru an ethernet cable that connects from the projector to the processor.  

There is a bundle of cables tied up on the back of the audio rack coming off the Dolby processor that will need to be connected to the console.  There are 8 XLR cables, CTR, Sub, L, R, Surr. L, Surr. R, FX L, FX R.  The FX cables are not used.  Connect the 6 cables to the back of the console in inputs 1 - 6.  The connectors are labeled - CTR: 1, SUB : 2, Left : 3, Right: 4, Surr. L : 5, Surr. R : 6.  

If the DCP file you're using is a stereo file, you won't need to plug in the surround inputs, but most DCP files we've received have been full surround sound.

Load the show file from the USB labeled 5.1 surround base MB 4.  In this file, inputs 1 - 6 are set up as fader 11 - 16 on Fader page A -`1.

When playing a DCP file from the projector, the audio should run thru the processor to the console and be dumbed down from 5.1 to stereo. If audio doesn't show up on the processor screen, press the digital 1 button to make sure that the input has been selected.