Loading Default Show File on YAMAHA in Matchbox 4

When working in any of the performance spaces, you should always start with the default show file.  

To load the default show file on the Yamaha in Matchbox 4, follow these steps.

1. Plug the USB drive that is attached to a retractable key tag on the sound rack, in to the USB extension cable (not pictured). 

2. The Yamaha load window will open automatically.  Using the knob to the bottom right of the screen, scroll to the MATCH Rep Files folder.  Use your finger on the touch screen to open the folder to the left of the MATCH Rep Files.

3. Once you've opened the folder, you should see a list of various default MATCH show files.  Most shows will use the basic Default Show file.  The Surround 5.1 set up is specific for films using the media server in the projector and require special set up.  The ground stacks set up is for event using the temporary front of house ground stack speakers. 

Use the knob to the bottom right to scroll to the default file you want to load, and then press the load button at the bottom of the screen. 

4. This will open the load window. You will want to leave it as is with load all, and then press the load button at the bottom of the screen.

5. You will be prompted again do you want to load this file. Press ok. The show file will then load and the console will be set at it's base set up again.