If you lose power in the building

If you lose power in the building


When the power goes out in the building, there are a few things that happen.  


The emergency lighting in Matchbox 4 comes on and may not go back to a normal state.  If the work lights in Matchbox 4 won’t turn off, it’s the emergency power.  There are instructions on the inside of the door of the emergency panel in the lighting / sound closet to tell you how to get them to turn back off.  (See PDF below)


The amplifiers may also not come back on, so you may have to manually turn them back on.  They are at the bottom of the rack in the amp room and there is a power indicator light on the front.  The power button is on the back side, so you just have to open the back of the rack and turn them back on.  


Some of the various processors in the amp racks may not come back on automatically.  Check for any device in the racks that is offline and turn it back on.


The keyboard in the Production Manager office that controls the AV and HVAC computer will also have to be turned back on as will the computers themselves.  The keyboard/screen may show you a login page.  Just hit enter twice with nothing in the user or password.  Once you are in the shell itself, if you just hit escape it should let you get to the computers.  You just have to press up to get to input 1 and 2.