Matchbox 4 Audio Basics

Matchbox 4 Audio Basics 

Matchbox 4 has Yamaha QL5 console

There is a USB drive with the original sound console files attached to the sound rack to the right of the console.  If for some reason, the base default file on the console has been altered, re-load from the USB drive.  

The power switch is on the back, right hand side of the console.

Please cover the console when not in use.


When making changes to the console, do not save over the default rep show file.  You can save your own show file on a thumb drive.


Speaker Configuration info


Rep standard configuration is a L / R / C set up which are controlled by the mains.


There are 2 monitors mounted over the middle catwalk that are in Mix 4 as part of the rep set up.  Additional monitors can be set up as needed.


Other console information


QLab - There are 6 channels of Qlab built in to the rep configuration on the console.  If additional channels are required, then the patch on the console can be adjusted.  Please save as a new show file when changes are made to the patch.


Audio from Video – The video switcher has a direct audio connection to the console.  It is labeled as Vid L and Vid R.


Rep Matrix Configuration


Matrix 5/6 – VTR Record Line – this pair of matrixes are set up to send a L/R signal to a videographer.  They appear as console returns 11 and 12 in the amp room and can be patched to a videographer wherever there is an available tie in the theater.


Matrix 7/8 – Rec R/L – this pair of matrixes are set up to send a record signal to the CDR.


The mic lines in the theater are one to one in the console.  So the mic line that’s labeled #1 in the theater, will be mic line 1 on the console.


Tie lines in the theater are not directly patched to the console, and need to be patched in the rack in the amp room to a console tie. 


Amp room information


Mix 1 – 12 are normalled directly to FX monitor amp A –L. 

Mix 1 – 10 also show up as Console Return 1 – 10 and can be patched via tie line to anywhere in the theater.


Video Record Line -  Matrix 5/6 show up in the rack as Console Return 11 and 12, and can be patched a videographer anywhere in the theater that there are tie lines available. 


The two wireless channels are normalled and do not need to be patched unless sending to a secondary console in the theater. 


Lobby Alternate Audio -  To have audio in the lobby that is controlled by the booth rather than the generic MATCH background music, send signal from any one of Mix 1 -10 (excluding Mix 4) to the Lobby Alt. Input.


Test Amp – there is a test amp in each rack where you can test a signal being patched to verify that it’s sending correctly.  Simply take the patch cable from whatever source you’re sending, and plug in to test amp.  The test amp itself is just above the patch panel.