Matchbox 1, 2 & 3 speaker patching info

Matchbox 1 Speaker Patching

In the theater, the speakers are patched to the following FX speaker ties

West Left - FX Mon H / Loc. 11

West Right -FX Mon G / Loc. 8

North -FX Mon E / Loc. 7

South - FX Mon E / Loc. 12

East - FX Mon F / Loc. 13

Matchbox 2 Speaker Patching

In the theater, the speakers are patched to the following FX speaker ties

Left - FX Mon G / Loc. 11

Right -FX Mon H / Loc. 13

Center-FX Mon F / Loc. 12

Foldback- FX Mon A / Loc. 14


Matchbox 3 Speaker Patching

In the theater, the speakers are patched to the following FX speaker ties

East Left - FX Mon H / Loc. 12

East Right -FX Mon G / Loc. 13

North -FX Mon E / Loc. 7

South - FX Mon E / Loc. 11

West- FX Mon F / Loc. 8